Friday, July 15, 2016

Project 333: why I think it's awesome!

What is Project 333?

tl;dr minimalist fashion challenge: dress with 33 items or less for 3 months

Why is it super awesome?

  • It's temporary
  • It's flexible & can match your life
  • It's low/ no cost
  • It teaches people about their relationship with stuff.
  • It's a gateway to minimalism
  • It creates space!
  • It will save time in the mornings!
  • & more!...
3 months may seem a bit long, but in the grand scheme of things, it's relatively short! 33 items means over 90 different outfits, depending on what assortment of clothes & accessories you choose!

When am I trying it?

I will start this challenge by October 1st, perhaps earlier.

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