Hi everyone, it's been a while... I'm now about to enter my senior year of high school this semester, in my third high school. I've moved twice, I've discovered new ideas and new things like minimalism and vegetarian & vegan lifestyles, intersectional feminism, bodyposi, and I met another person who uses they/ them pronouns in real life! All super cool things.
I've also had some not so super cool things happen: fights with my mom which escalated to the point that moving 5 hours away seemed like (and in many ways was, but in a few wasn't) my best option. I've gotten in and out of toxic relationships and bad situations, went back to therapy (again, and I'm not comfortable discussing my mental health in detail at this point in my life), met a pagan teen outside of the internet, and have taken on some 'adult' responsibilities...
I cringe at some of the language and word choices of my old posts, but overall my interests and beliefs have remained similar: I like outer space, sci fi, fantasy, alternative fashion & music, and awesome quotes. I'm a little less into fashion as a whole, and I now own a chest binder as well as some ties. I'm continuing to learn a lot about the world, myself, and how I want my life to turn out.
I still have bad days, but in the early 2010s I was in a majorly bad place for the first time with no clue how to cope and constantly had the 'I am fine, I don't need help' mantra reinforced by media, friends, etc.
My relationship with my friends and family has changed, with some for the better & others for the worse. I'm still learning and still growing. I have a lot of work to do. I'm 17 now and have barely scratched the surface.
If you're having a good day, I hope it stays that way & send my blessings if you would accept them.
If you're having a bad day, I hope it improves & send you healing and strength as well as positive vibes.
If you're not sure how you're feeling, that's alright. I hope you can figure out what you need today.
Take care, and remember your worth!
- Lyric