Saturday, August 9, 2014

logosland and new phone

Hi there! It's been a busy summer so far. I enjoyed a trip to Logosland with my family recently. We stayed in a cabin. We had a wonderful neighbor from Quebec who gave marshmallows. She has a young guy who my brother played with.  I got to zip line, but since I don't weigh much I had to pull myself in. I also went on the water slides. Lots of fun but no stove or cutlery in the cabins. Microwave mini fridge and fire pit. Master bedroom can be seen from the door.

I have a new moto g phone which is awesome so far.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Herbal Tea recipe (no bags required, make your own)

my recipe for herbal tea / tisane:
hot water
a cup
4 very ripe berries (3 blackberries, 1 strawberry (whole, top off)
1 dash cinnamon
1 shake/ sprinkle black pepper
1 'splash' mango juice

1) Pour hot water into a small cup/ glass
2) Add the cinnamon, black pepper,and juice
3) Add berries and let sit for a few minutes (in front of a window preferably to keep in warm)
4) Feel free to drink your tea now
5) You can also eat the berries after, they're good :)